Two Questions About Dental Reconstruction With Implants
Do you have a missing tooth that has caused you to feel self-conscious around others? Not only are you worried about what others think, but a missing tooth will eventually lead to oral health problems in that part of your mouth. It's possible to experience a loss of bone density in the area, since the root of the tooth is no longer there to stimulate the job. If you are wondering if you should move forward with this dental reconstruction technique, here are two questions you may have about having an implant.
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Dental Issues That Originate At Birth And Some Of The Cosmetic Dental Applications That Correct Them
Some people develop dental problems because of poor oral hygiene. However, many people are born with imperfect teeth. Here are several dental issues that may originate at birth and some of the cosmetic dental applications that may correct them. Discoloration Some people are born with a congenital defect that causes their teeth to be permanently discolored. The dark tooth color cannot be whitened chemically, so dental bleaching products are ineffective at correcting the problem.
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Steps To Take If Your Teeth Are Stained From Smoking
There are many health issues and problems that smokers face as a result of their smoking habits. One of those many areas of the body affected by smoking is the teeth. When you are a smoker, your teeth are highly prone to staining and discoloration. If your teeth are discolored as a result of smoking, you may be wondering what you can or should do to deal with the issue. Get to know some of the steps that you can take to address your stained teeth.
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3 Habits That Can Damage Your New Dental Crowns
If you have recently received new dental crowns, you may wonder if there is anything special that you need to do while you take care of them. However, knowing what not to do is also important. If you have any of the below habits, you risk damaging your new dental crowns. 1. Eating Chewy and Hard Foods If you enjoy eating caramels and hard candies, you may have to give them up to protect your dental crowns.
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How Braces Can Correct An Overbite
Most people fully understand that the purpose of braces is to straighten out misaligned teeth, but did you know that braces are also very helpful for correcting an overbite? An overbite occurs when a person's upper jaw extends too far past his or her lower jaw, and this is something that braces can usually fix. Here are several things to know about braces and overbites. The causes of overbites A lot of people have overbites; however, many people have such minor cases that they do not really need treatment for them.
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Why The Chemicals In Tooth Whitening Products Aren't Safe By Themselves
If you've ever taken a close look at what it is in tooth whitening products like toothpaste or strips that actually get the job done, you've most likely seen peroxide and baking soda appear many times. These two chemicals are mainstays in tooth whitening products, but using them directly on your teeth to get the results you want is mistaken. Here's why you should never use peroxide or baking soda directly on your teeth.
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Pros And Cons Of A Ketogenic Diet For Boosting Oral Health Between Dental Cleanings
Great oral health is an important part of overall health. In many cases, a ketogenic diet (or a modified ketogenic diet) can improve both. However, as with any diet, there are pros and cons. Here are some pros and cons of using a keto diet for oral health to keep your teeth healthier between dental cleanings. Pro: great whole food nutrition Tooth-friendly nutrition can be a great way to boost the effectiveness of your home tooth care between dental cleanings.
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Effects Of Sleep Apnea On Your Oral Health
Living with untreated sleep apnea is risky for your health, yet a lot of people live with this condition without treating it because they do not know they have it. If you believe you might suffer from this condition, you can find out by talking to your dentist. While talking to your dentist, you can learn about the health risks of untreated sleep apnea, and you can also learn about the effects untreated sleep apnea can have on your oral health.
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What To Expect When Getting Dentures For The First Time
Getting dentures can be a great way to restore your smile, but you may be unsure of what happens during the process of getting these oral devices. Schedule a consultation with your dentist and familiarize yourself with the following to learn more about the process. Once you have a better understanding of what will happen, you can begin to prepare for a new smile and a new you. Tooth Extractions
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Beautifying Your Mouth
If you aren't happy with the overall look of your mouth, then there are a lot of things that you can do to help your entire mouth look just the way you want it to. You will be amazed how doing some different things to your mouth can help you look younger and feel better. Here are some of the things that you can do to beautify your mouth. You can get collagen injections to get help with smile lines – If you have smile lines around the edges of your lips that you feel gives you a less than perfect looking mouth, then you can get collagen injections to lighten those lines up.
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