Smile More Often With Dental Contouring
Posted on: 27 October 2015
Do you have any worries or concerns about how you look when you smile? Perhaps you feel that your teeth are not as appealing or attractive as they should be. If this is the case, then you need to look into a dental technique known as contouring. The following article examines this intriguing aspect of cosmetic dentistry in more detail.
The Process
Dental contouring is a technique that reshapes teeth to make them more attractive. It is a purely aesthetic procedure that is not intended to repair unhealthy teeth. The dentist uses a special tool, such as a drill or laser, to take off a small amount of the tooth's enamel. In some instances, abrasive strips that remove sections of the enamel might be used as well. By doing this skillfully, the dentist is able to sculpt the tooth and give it a more pleasing appearance.
The Experience
Your experience in the dental chair during the procedure should not be painful or arduous. Because contouring only involves the tooth surface, the procedure is generally free of the type of discomfort that can accompany a more invasive process such as a root canal. The dentist will also give you a local anesthetic to keep any discomfort to a minimum. The number of visits can vary, depending on your specific situation. You might require several visits or perhaps just one.
The Alternatives
Your dentist will determine if you are a good candidate for dental contouring at the initial exam. As a rule, only people with relatively minor tooth imperfections will qualify for the procedure. If you have more serious imperfections, then the dentist may recommend alternatives such as bonding or veneers. In some cases, contouring is combined with one of these alternative procedures. If you have a significant misalignment of your teeth, then orthodontic treatment might be required.
The Risk
Although tooth contouring is generally safe, there is a risk is too much of the enamel is removed. If the enamel is too thin, then the layer of tissue below the enamel, known as the dentin layer, may become sensitive to foods or liquids that are hot, cold, or sweet.
Having your teeth contoured makes sense if you have teeth with minor imperfections that are otherwise healthy. Only your dentist will be able to tell you if this procedure is your best option. For more information on this topic, make an appointment with a cosmetic dentist in your area.