2 Main Services A Family Dentist Can Offer

Posted on: 19 January 2022

You might be in the market looking for a family dentist who can provide quality, convenient and reliable dental services to your whole family. Family dentists serve your family for a long time, even as your kids grow into adulthood. Therefore, you need to find a professional you can trust to handle your family's oral needs.

Family dentists provide a wide array of services. Therefore, the right dentist should have enough experience to treat any dental issues your family might have in the future.

Here are a few examples of a good family dentist's general services.

Teeth Cleaning

Your family requires the occasional dental cleaning appointment to help maintain good oral health and prevent gum disease. During the appointment, your dentist can also detect problems early and treat them before they become a menace. They can also monitor your children's teeth to see if they need any help with their sprouting teeth.

Before the actual cleaning procedure, your family dentist will examine your teeth to see how much cleaning you need. This preliminary process also helps your dentist know what cleaning treatment fits you and your family members.

After the examination, the dentist then uses a scaler to remove tartar or plaque stuck between your teeth and on your gums. They could use manual or ultrasonic scalar once they determine how much buildup is in your teeth.

Your family dentist then deep cleans and polishes your teeth, then flosses and rinses them. They will then apply a special toothpaste to prevent cavities in your teeth. Your dentist may also apply molar sealants for your children to help protect their teeth against future tooth decay.

Tooth Extractions

Severe tooth decay, dental crowding, periodontal disease, or tooth damage may warrant the removal of a problematic tooth. Your family dentist can perform a simple tooth extraction or surgical extraction depending on the extent of the damage.

For a simple extraction, your dentist will use forceps to slowly dislodge the tooth from the jawbone. Impacted teeth require your dentist to cut through the underlying gum tissue to make things easier during extraction.

During a surgical extraction, your dentist will use an anesthetic to numb the bad tooth and the surrounding tissue. The dentist then enlarges the socket that holds the tooth to carefully remove it from the ligament that holds the tooth in place. After extraction, your dentist removes all infected tissues, cleans the socket, stitches the area, and applies gauze to control the bleeding.

If you want a filling to replace the missing tooth, your dentist might recommend a dental bridge to fill the gap. Dental bridges are essentially artificial teeth made from various materials (like porcelain) designed to blend in with the rest of your teeth easily.


About Marcel and the Dentist

Hi, my name is Marcel. Welcome to my site! I started it to help others learn about children's dentistry. Most of us don't remember dentist trips from our early childhood. Maybe we didn't even really care about our teeth until we started losing baby teeth. In my case, I became interested in children's dentistry as a young father. When my kids were young, I was a student, and our insurance did not cover visits to the dentist. Although my wife and I tried to teach our kids good hygiene on our own, it was difficult. When we we finally able to take them to the dentist, my little girls were scared and didn't know what was going on. Luckily, they appreciate the dentist now that they are older, but their first experiences helped teach me more about the importance of children's dentistry. Hopefully you can learn from my experiences!