Crowning Your Dental Appearance

Posted on: 24 March 2021

Do you need a crown? The type of crown being referred to here goes in your mouth rather than on your head. Dental crowns provide much-needed support that enhances both the appearance and health of your mouth. For more facts about dental crowns, read on. 1. Crowns are used to stabilize teeth that have cracks and chips. Also, after a root canal procedure, the natural tooth may be weak and too thin to handle the day-to-day wear and tear that happens as we chew.
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Tips For Getting Cosmetic Dental Services

Posted on: 18 February 2021

Not all dental work involves fixing cavities or fighting against gum disease. Plenty of patients look into getting cosmetic dental care so that they can fix certain appearance-oriented aspects of their teeth. If you are interested in getting some great cosmetic dental care, the tips in this article will help you. Think about why you would like cosmetic dental procedures So what is it about cosmetic dental procedures that you find the most appealing?
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What To Do When Whitening Strips Don't Work

Posted on: 30 December 2020

When people want whiter teeth, the first thing they typically do is head to the pharmacy for some whitening strips. These strips do work for a lot of people. They can lighten the teeth a few shades and reduce the appearance of mild stains. But what if you're still not happy with the look of your teeth after using whitening strips? Then you need to head to the cosmetic dentist. There are two different treatments they often recommend for patients in your position.
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Repairing A Damaged Tooth With A Crown

Posted on: 23 November 2020

Getting a dental crown is a treatment that many people will need to undergo in order to correct severe tooth damage. While dental crowns are common procedures, patients will often have extremely limited understanding of these treatments. Dental Crowns Are Custom Made For Patients In order for a dental crown to provide effective protection, it will have to perfectly fit the patient's tooth. Even small gaps could lead to the crown being unstable.
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