How To Soothe Sore Or Swollen Gums

Posted on: 16 May 2016

If you're currently suffering from gum disease or some other ailment that's made your gums swollen or sore, you know that taking care of your oral health is more important than ever. Even so, it can be unpleasant to touch your gums or brush, floss, or use mouthwash while they're hurting. With that in mind, try using the tips to soothe your gums and make oral hygiene maintenance less painful.
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Are Dental Implants Right For You?

Posted on: 27 April 2016

If you recently lost a tooth, then you will need to find a way to get a replacement. Implants, bridges, and dentures are all viable options, but each is very unique. One option might be perfect for your situation, while another might be very awkward, expensive, or just uncomfortable. To help you decide which you need, here are some of the facts on implants. What are dental implants? In essence, a dental implant is a complete replacement of a missing tooth.
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4 Tips For Making Your Child's Braces More Affordable

Posted on: 8 April 2016

Many kids begin wearing braces in early adolescence to correct problems with their teeth, but this type of orthodontic treatment can be expensive. If you have been told that your child will eventually need braces, it is natural to worry about the costs associated with the treatment. Use the following tips to make this course of treatment more affordable: Start Early Intervention Treatments Dentists can often recognize problems early, and your dentist may recommend that you take your child to an orthodontist at a young age.
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A Comparison Of Traditional Metal And Plastic Braces

Posted on: 16 March 2016

Getting braces can be a pretty nerve-wracking experience, with a lot of considerations to worry about. However, braces can be a relatively painless and invisible part of your life, depending on which type of braces you decide to get. To help illustrate some of those possibilities, here is a comparison of traditional metal braces and plastic braces: What are traditional metal braces? When you hear the word braces, a traditional metal set is probably what comes to mind.
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